Upgrade You in 2023

Here’s an analogy for you.

Imagine a bus and passengers get on the bus at each stop. The bus represents your body and the passengers represent stored tension, physical pain, trapped emotions trauma etc…

Now imagine the bus keeps moving along the route and no one gets off, only more passengers get on.

Imagine the capacity of the bus over filling. There’s no space left. That environment is uncomfortable. Imagine the human body, a person, you?

Don’t let your capacity overfill! Don’t ignore the signs.

So many clients come to me when there is a trigger, in my opinion (as a Massage Therapist for 15 yrs) sometimes too late. They are over stressed, housing so much tension in the body, their minds too, they are not active and not moving from their desk all day so it’s time for a massage and then go back to doing the same things… this may seem harsh but this is true in most cases.

MAKE 2023 YOUR BEST YEAR YET, and here’s how:

  • Don’t ignore the signs your body/ mind tells you


  • Take time out purely for you and you only

  • Fill your own cup first so that you can give more to others after

  • Be mindful of saying ‘I don’t have the time’ as an excuse

  • MOVE YOUR BODY! It’s essential to your health & wellbeing

  • Ask for help. Talk more. Communicate your needs.

  • Get more comfortable saying NO

  • Consistency is everything

  • Stay open minded to try different things

  • Maintaining your wellbeing and mental health is not a one size fits all fix

  • Seek to prevent/manage stress rather than fix it

  • Have a preventative mindset over a solution fixing one

When your ready, here’s some ways in which I can help you on your wellness journey:

LIFE COACHING:Feeling ‘stuck’? Do you want to accomplish big things but don’t know where to start? Want to show up better in your relationships and for yourself? Coaching is about committing to get more out of life. I’m here for this.

Starting February 6th. A 6 Week Group Coaching Programme for my ladies out there who are ready to commit to improved wellness on a deeper level. More info HERE.

MASSAGE THERAPY: I have a beautiful studio in Bisley. A quiet sanctuary you can visit and disconnect. Use NEWYEAR discount code when booking online until end of February.

YIN YOGA Classes: Tuesdays 7.30pm, at the Bisley Yurt. Suitable for all levels. Relaxation focussed, soothing to the nervous system. Manage stress, insomnia, overactive minds.

SEASONAL RETREAT DAYS: These days are thoughtfully created with the Seasons elemental energy in mind, incorporating different styles of Yoga, Breathwork and Mindfulness.

RETREATS: We are sold out of our UK January retreat. Interested in joining one in the future? Send a message via button below to let us know!


Get out of your comfort zone!


New Years Evolution