An 85-Year old Harvard study.

An 85-year Harvard study found that the no 1 thing that makes us happy in life and also increases our life span! 

What do you think it is ?

Diet? Money? Exercise? Nope. 

Relationships, Community, Connection. 

As humans we are social creatures, we crave connection, to be understood and to feel that sense of connection with someone. 

Remember that feeling of having a deep, meaningful conversation and feeling invigorated. Relationships affect our physical and mental health. They require work and maintenance.

Are you tending to the connections that help you thrive? 

Do your relationships make you feel safe and secure? 

Which friends encourage you to pursue your dreams and inspire you to keep moving towards them?

What does community mean to you? 

All great questions to contemplate.

The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships!

Don’t underestimate the power of community and connection.

Go where you are in community, and if you don’t have that, go find it. Go seek it.

Some ways in which you can find community with me…

Retreat with me and other likeminded. Join us for a weekend of connection to self and in community. Fuel yourself on yoga, movement, breath, stillness, meaningful converation, delicious food, rest and much more.


Join our Tuesday evening Yoga Community. Do you suffer with stress, anxiety, insomnia, tension in the body, a heavy overactive mind, low on energy, craving connection?

Yin is a subtle, powerful grounding practice that can have similar effects to meditation but much easier to attain.

Easily accessible and no need to be flexible already (yes this is a myth!)

Classes are held at the Bisley Yurt & Studio, Miles Green Farm, Queens Road, Bisley.


Create better habits.


Spring is here!