Appreciation for deep friendships.

Picture 2: March 26, 2022

Myself & Charlie met 3 months before, both teaching at The Bisley Yurt.. Our connection was immediate, genuine and easy and we soon knew we shared the same spirit for life. After a brief conversation about hosting an event together, Charlie’s famous words… let’s ‘just do it’ got us creating in time for Spring.

Picture 2: December 17, 2022

Our 6th seasonal event led together.

We realised yesterday we came full circle: Spring 💐 Summer ☀️ Autumn 🍂 & now Winter ❄️

Creating with Charlie is fun, it’s easy, our individual energies compliment each other so well and we truly love working together. We learn from each other and push each other. I couldn’t of wished for a more aligned friendship and collaborator.

One year ago we only just met.

One year later we have accomplished SO much together it makes me tear up with gratitude 🙏🏼

I Love you Charlie.

Here’s to us & much more of this ✨


@serendia.wellness #bisleyyurt #bisley #yoga #yogateachers #yogis #businesspartner #appreciation #creating #events #seasons #friendship #connection #yurt #yurtyoga #collaboration


New Years Evolution


De-Clutter December.